[The following entry from the "Book of Anointings"
records the first instance of the second anointing being administered
inside the Nauvoo Temple. The rite had been administered previously outside
the temple, in the upper room of Joseph Smith's red brick store.]
[For readability's sake, I have reformatted the entry
into smaller paragraphs and have standardized spelling and punctuation.
An original, unedited transcript of this entry can be found in David John
Buerger's The Mysteries of Godliness, pp. 87-88.]
January 8, 1846
6 o'clock in the evening
Assembled in President Brigham Young's room, no. 1: President Brigham
Young, Heber C. Kimball, Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, John Taylor, Amasa
Lyman, Newel K. Whitney, Vilate Kimball, Elizabeth Ann Whitney, Sarah
Marinda Pratt, and Leonora Taylor.
Dressed themselves in holy robes.
The hymn, "Now Let Us Rejoice in the Day of Salvation,"
was sung, and Elder Heber C. Kimball offered prayer at the altar
after offering up the signs of the priesthood.
President Brigham Young proceeded to anoint Brother Heber C. Kimball
and Vilate, his wife, and pronounced the following blessings, namely:
Brother Heber Chase Kimball, in the name of Jesus Christ we pour
upon thine head this holy oil, and we anoint thee a king and a
priest unto the most high God, in and over the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints and also Israel, in this, the holy
temple of the Lord at Nauvoo, the City of Joseph, State of Illinois.
And I seal upon you power to bind on earth and it shall be bound
in heaven, and whomsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed
in heaven; and whomsoever thou shalt curse shall be cursed, and
whomsoever thou shalt bless shall be blessed.
I anoint thine head, that it may be sound,
and thy brain
shall be quick to think and to regulate thy whole body; |
and thine ears to hear the cries of the poor
and needy of thy brethren,
who shall
come to thee for counsel; |
and thine eyes, that thou mayest see and understand the things
of God,
and that
thou mayest behold angels; |
and thy mouth, that thou mayest speak forth
the great things of God. |
And I seal upon you all the blessings of thy progenitors, even
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and even as far back as the priesthood.
And I say that thou shalt live to a good old age, even to threescore
and ten and longer if thou desire it. And thou shalt have power
to redeem thy progenitors, and thou shalt have power over thy
posterity and shall save all of them and bring them into thy kingdom.
We also seal upon thee all the power and blessing of the holy
resurrection, even to the eternal Godhead; and no blessing that
thine heart can conceive will be withheld from you. And in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, amen.
He then anointed Sister Vilate Kimball a queen and priestess unto
her husband (Heber C. Kimball), in the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints and in Israel, and pronounced all the blessings
upon her head in common with her husband.
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