PETER: Brethren and sisters, I will now explain the marks on the
PETER: Brethren and sisters, this is the veil
of the temple. I will now explain the marks on the veil.
These four marks are the marks of the holy priesthood, and corresponding
marks are found in your individual garment.
These four marks are the marks of the holy priesthood, and corresponding
marks are found in your individual garment.
This one on the right is the mark of
the square. It is placed in the garment over the right breast, suggesting
to the mind exactness and honor in keeping the covenants entered
into this day.
On the right is the mark of the square. It is placed in the garment
over the right breast, suggesting to the mind exactness and honor
in keeping the covenants entered into this day.
This one on the left is the mark of the
compass. It is placed in the garment over the left breast, suggesting
to the mind an undeviating course leading to eternal life; a constant
reminder that desires, appetites, and passions are to be kept within
the bounds the Lord has set; and that all truth may be circumscribed
into one great whole.
On the left is the mark of the compass. It is placed in the garment
over the left breast, suggesting to the mind an undeviating course
leading to eternal life; a constant reminder that desires, appetites,
and passions are to be kept within the bounds the Lord has set;
and that all truth may be circumscribed unto one great whole.
This is the navel mark. It is placed in the garment over the navel,
suggesting to the mind the need of constant nourishment to body
and spirit.
This is the navel mark. It is placed in the garment over the navel,
suggesting to the mind the need of constant nourishment to body
and spirit.
This is the knee mark. It is placed in the right leg of the garment
so as to be over the kneecap, suggesting that every knee shall bow
and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is the Christ.
This is the knee mark. It is placed in the right leg of the garment
so as to be over the kneecap, suggesting that every knee shall bow
and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is the Christ.
These other three marks are for convenience in working at the veil.
Through this one, the person representing the Lord puts forth his
right hand to test our knowledge of the tokens of the holy priesthood.
Through the one on our right, he asks us certain questions; through
the one on the left, we give our answers.
These other three marks are for convenience in working at the veil.
Through this one, the person representing the Lord puts forth his
right hand to test our knowledge of the tokens of the holy priesthood.
Through the one on our right, he asks us certain questions; through
the one on the left, we give our answers.
PETER: As all of you will have to pass through the veil, we will
show you how this is to be done.
PETER: As all of you will have to pass through the veil, we will
show you how this is to be done.
PETER: The person is brought to this point, and the worker gives
three distinct taps with the mallet, whereupon the Lord parts the
veil, and asks:
PETER: The person is brought to this point, and the worker gives
three distinct taps with the mallet, whereupon the Lord parts the
veil, and asks:
LORD: What is wanted?
PETER: Adam, having been true and faithful in all things, desires
further light and knowledge by conversing with the Lord through
the veil.
LORD: What is wanted?
PETER: Adam, having been true and faithful in all things, desires
further light and knowledge by conversing with the Lord through
the veil.
LORD: Present him at the veil, and his request shall be granted.
LORD: Present him at the veil, and his request shall be granted.
PETER: The person is then brought to this point, whereupon the
Lord puts forth his right hand, gives the first token of the Aaronic
priesthood, and asks:
PETER: The person is then brought to this point, whereupon the
Lord puts forth his right hand, gives the first token of the Aaronic
priesthood, and asks:
LORD: What is that?
PETER: The first token of the Aaronic priesthood.
LORD: What is that?
PETER: The first token of the Aaronic priesthood.
LORD: Has it a name?
PETER: It has.
LORD: Will you give it to me?
PETER: I will, through the veil.
LORD: Has it a name?
PETER: It has.
LORD: Will you give it to me?
PETER: I will, through the veil.
The person then gives, through the veil, the name of this token,
which is the new name received in the temple today.
The person then gives, through the veil, the name of this token,
which is the new name received in the temple today.
PETER: The Lord then gives the second token of the Aaronic priesthood
and asks:
PETER: The Lord then gives the second token of the Aaronic priesthood
and asks:
LORD: What is that?
PETER: The second token of the Aaronic priesthood.
LORD: What is that?
PETER: The second token of the Aaronic priesthood.
LORD: Has it a name?
PETER: It has.
LORD: Will you give it to me?
PETER: I will, through the veil.
LORD: Has it a name?
PETER: It has.
LORD: Will you give it to me?
PETER: I will, through the veil.
The person then gives the name of this token, which is _________.
The person then gives the name of this token, which is _________.
PETER: The Lord then gives the first token of the Melchizedek priesthood,
or Sign of the Nail, and asks:
PETER: The Lord then gives the first token of the Melchizedek priesthood,
or Sign of the Nail, and asks:
LORD: What is that?
PETER: The first token of the Melchizedek priesthood, or Sign of
the Nail.
LORD: What is that?
PETER: The first token of the Melchizedek priesthood, or Sign of
the Nail.
LORD: Has it a name?
PETER: It has.
LORD: Will you give it to me?
PETER: I will, through the veil.
LORD: Has it a name?
PETER: It has.
LORD: Will you give it to me?
PETER: I will, through the veil.
The person then gives the name of this token, which is _________.
The person then gives the name of this token, which is _________.
PETER: The Lord then gives the second token of the Melchizedek
priesthood, the patriarchal grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail, and
PETER: The Lord then gives the second token of the Melchizedek
priesthood, the patriarchal grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail, and
LORD: What is that?
PETER: The second token of the Melchizedek priesthood, the patriarchal
grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail.
LORD: What is that?
PETER: The second token of the Melchizedek priesthood, the patriarchal
grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail.
LORD: Has it a name?
PETER: It has.
LORD: Will you give it to me?
LORD: Has it a name?
PETER: It has.
LORD: Will you give it to me?
PETER: I cannot. I have not yet received it. For this purpose I
have come to converse with the Lord through the veil.
PETER: I cannot. I have not yet received it. For this purpose I
have come to converse with the Lord through the veil.
LORD: You shall receive it, upon the five points
of fellowship, through the veil.
LORD: You shall receive it through the veil.
PETER: The five points of fellowship are: inside
of right foot by the side of right foot, knee to knee, breast to
breast, hand to back, and mouth to ear.
PETER: It is received as left arms are placed
upon right shoulders through the veil.
The Lord then gives the name of this token and asks:
The Lord then gives the name of this token and asks:
LORD: What is that?
PETER: The second token of the Melchizedek priesthood, the patriarchal
grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail.
LORD: What is that?
PETER: The second token of the Melchizedek priesthood, the patriarchal
grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail.
LORD: Has it a name?
PETER: It has.
LORD: Will you give it to me?
LORD: Has it a name?
PETER: It has.
LORD: Will you give it to me?
PETER: I will, upon the five points of fellowship,
through the veil.
PETER: I will, through the veil.
The person then repeats back to the Lord the name of this token
as he received it, whereupon the Lord says:
The person then repeats back to the Lord the name of this token,
as he received it, whereupon the Lord says:
LORD: That is correct.
LORD: That is correct.
PETER: The person is again brought to this point, and the worker
gives three distinct taps with the mallet. The Lord parts the veil
and asks:
PETER: The person is again brought to this point, and the worker
gives three distinct taps with the mallet. The Lord parts the veil
and asks:
LORD: What is wanted?
PETER: Adam, having conversed with the Lord through the veil, desires
now to enter his presence.
LORD: What is wanted?
PETER: Adam, having conversed with the Lord through the veil, desires
now to enter his presence.
The Lord puts forth his right hand, takes the person by the right
hand, and says:
The Lord puts forth his right hand, takes the person by the right
hand, and says:
LORD: Let him enter.
PETER: He is admitted into the presence of the Lord.
LORD: Let him enter.
PETER: He is admitted into the presence of the Lord.
We will now report.
We will now report.
PETER: Jehovah, we have been down to the man
Adam and his posterity in the terrestrial world, and have
given unto them the law of consecration, and have caused them to
receive it by covenant. We have given unto them the second token
of the Melchizedek priesthood, the patriarchal grip, or Sure Sign
of the Nail, with its accompanying sign, and have taught them the
order of prayer. They are now ready to converse with the Lord through
the veil. This is our report.
PETER: Jehovah, we have been down to Adam and
Eve and their posterity in the terrestrial world, and have
given unto them the law of consecration, and have caused them to
receive it by covenant. We have given unto them the second token
of the Melchizedek priesthood, the patriarchal grip, or Sure Sign
of the Nail, with its accompanying sign, and have taught them the
order of prayer. They are now ready to converse with the Lord through
the veil. This is our report.
JEHOVAH: It is well, Peter, James, and John.
JEHOVAH: It is well, Peter, James, and John.
Elohim--Peter, James, and John have been down to the
man Adam and his posterity in the terrestrial world and have
done all that they were commanded to do.
Elohim--Peter, James, and John have been down to Adam
and Eve and their posterity in the terrestrial world and
have done all that they were commanded to do.
ELOHIM: It is well.
Jehovah, instruct Peter, James, and John to introduce the
man Adam and his posterity at the veil, where we will give
unto them the name of the second token of the Melchizedek priesthood,
the patriarchal grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail, preparatory to their
entering into our presence.
ELOHIM: It is well.
Jehovah, instruct Peter, James, and John to introduce Adam
and Eve and their posterity at the veil, where we will give
unto them the name of the second token of the Melchizedek priesthood,
the patriarchal grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail, preparatory to their
entering into our presence.
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim.
Peter, James, and John, you will introduce Adam
and his posterity at the veil, where we will give unto them
the name of the second token of the Melchizedek priesthood, the
patriarchal grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail, preparatory to their
entering into our presence.
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim.
Peter, James, and John, you will introduce Adam
and Eve and their posterity at the veil, where we will give
unto them the name of the second token of the Melchizedek priesthood,
the patriarchal grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail, preparatory to their
entering into our presence.
PETER: It shall be done, Jehovah. Come, James and John, we will
introduce them at the veil.
PETER: It shall be done Jehovah. Come, James and John, we will introduce
them at the veil.
Brethren and sisters, we are instructed to introduce you at the
veil, where you will receive the name of the second token of the
Melchizedek priesthood, the patriarchal grip, or Sure Sign of the
Nail, preparatory to your entering into the presence of the Lord.
Brethren and sisters, we are instructed to introduce you at the
veil, where you will receive the name of the second token of the
Melchizedek priesthood, the patriarchal prip, or Sure Sign of the
Nail, preparatory to your entering into the presence of the Lord.
PETER: A lecture will now be given which summarizes
the instructions, ordinances, and covenants, and also the tokens,
with their keywords, signs, and penalties, pertaining to the endowment,
which you have thus far received.
You should try to remember and keep in mind all that
you have heard and seen, and may yet hear and see, in this house.
The purpose of this lecture is to assist you to remember that which
has been taught you this day. You must keep in mind that you are
under a solemn obligation never to speak outside of the temple of
the Lord of the things you see and hear in this sacred place.
LECTURER: Brethren and sisters, the ordinances of
the endowment as here administered, long withheld from the children
of men, pertain to the dispensation of the fullness of time and
have been revealed to prepare the people for exaltation in the celestial
kingdom, where God and Christ dwell.
The deep meaning of the eternal truths constituting
the endowment has been set forth in brief instructions and by symbolic
representation. If you give prayerful and earnest thought to the
holy endowment, you will obtain the understanding and spirit of
the work done in the temples of the Lord. The privilege of laboring
here for the dead permits us to enter the temple frequently, and
to refresh our memories, and to enlarge our understanding of the
You were first washed and anointed, a garment was
placed upon you, and a new name was given you. This name you should
always remember; but you must never reveal it to any person, except
at the veil.
You then entered [the Creation Room]. [There] you
heard the voices of persons representing a council of the Gods--Elohim,
Jehovah, and Michael. Elohim said: "See, yonder is matter unorganized.
Go ye down and organize it into a world, like unto the other worlds
that we have heretofore formed." As the creation of the earth
progressed, you heard the commands and the reports of the persons
representing the Gods.
If we are faithful, we shall enter the celestial
kingdom and there hear and know the Gods of heaven. They are perfect;
we are imperfect. They are exalted; we may attain exaltation.
Our spirits at one time lived with the Gods; but
each of us was given the privilege of coming upon this earth to
take upon himself a body, so that the spirit might have a house
in which to dwell.
Michael, one of the council of the Gods, became
the man Adam, to whom was given the woman Eve. However, as Adam
he did not remember his life and labors in the council. It is so
with us all. We came into the world with no memory of our previous
We then followed Adam and Eve into the garden,
where Elohim provided that they might eat freely of all kinds of
fruit of the garden, except the fruit of the tree of knowledge of
good and evil. He forbade them to partake of this fruit, saying
that in the day they did so, they should surely die.
When Adam and Eve were left alone in the garden,
Satan appeared and tempted them. Eve yielded to the temptation,
partook of the fruit, and offered it to Adam. Adam had resisted
the temptation of Satan, but when Eve offered him the forbidden
fruit, he partook of it that they might continue together and perpetuate
the human race.
Adam and Eve now understood that it was Lucifer who
had tempted them. They became self-conscious. Discovering their
nakedness and hearing the voice of the Lord, they made aprons of
fig leaves and hid themselves. They had learned that everything
has its opposite, such as good and evil, light and darkness, pleasure
and pain.
The Lord again entered the garden. Adam and Eve confessed
their disobedience. The Lord cursed Satan and cast him out of the
garden of Eden, and the Lord commanded: "Let cherubim, and
a flaming sword be placed to guard the way of the tree of life,
lest Adam put forth his hand, and partake of the fruit thereof,
and live forever in his sins."
Before their departure, however, instructions were
given them. Addressing Eve, the Lord said: "Because thou hast
hearkened to the voice of Satan and hast partaken of the forbidden
fruit and given unto Adam, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and
thy conception. In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children; nevertheless,
thou mayest be preserved in childbearing. Thy desire shall be to
thy husband, and he shall rule over thee in righteousness."
To Adam, the Lord said: "Because thou hast hearkened
to the voice of thy wife and hast partaken of the forbidden fruit,
the earth shall be cursed for thy sake. Instead of producing fruits
and flowers spontaneously, it shall bring forth thorns, thistles,
briars, and noxious weeds to afflict and torment man; and by the
sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread all the days of thy life,
for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."
Having been commanded, Jehovah provided Adam and
Eve with coats of skins for a covering. The garment which was placed
upon you after you had been washed and anointed represents the coat
of skins, or covering, of Adam and Eve. They were also promised
that further light and knowledge would be given them.
The law of obedience was then taught Adam
and Eve and accepted by them. Eve covenanted with Adam that thenceforth
she would obey the law of her husband and abide by his counsel in
righteousness; and Adam covenanted with the Lord that he would obey
the Lord and keep his commandments. You, likewise, covenanted to
comply with the law of obedience.
The law of sacrifice accompanying the law of obedience,
as contained in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, was next
presented to Adam, and you were all placed under covenant to observe
The law of obedience and sacrifice includes the promise
of the Savior, the Only Begotten of the Father, who is full of grace
and truth and who by his sacrifice has become the Redeemer of mankind.
All things should be done in the name of the Son. An angel of the
Lord explained this to Adam, who was given the privilege of showing
his obedience by offering sacrifices to the Lord in similitude of
the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Later, the people of Israel lived
under this law, which continued in force until the death of Jesus
The first token of the Aaronic priesthood, with its
accompanying name, sign, and penalty, was given you; and you were
told that the name of this token is your new name, or the new name
of the dead, if officiating for the dead. The sacred nature of the
tokens of the priesthood was carefully explained at this time. You
were placed under solemn covenant never to reveal these tokens,
with their accompanying names, signs, and penalties, even at the
peril of your life. You were told that the execution of the penalties
indicate different ways in which life may be taken.
Then Adam and Eve were driven out of the garden into
the telestial kingdom, or the lone and dreary world, the world in
which we are now living. There Adam offered a prayer saying, "Oh
God, hear the words of my mouth," repeating it three times.
Satan entered and, claiming to be the god of this
world, asked Adam what he desired. Adam replied that he was waiting
for messengers from his Father. Satan declared that a preacher would
soon arrive. A man representing a sectarian minister entered and
preached doctrine, which Adam did not accept.
Peter, James, and John were sent down by the Lord
to learn, without disclosing their identity, if the man Adam had
been faithful to his covenants. They found that he had been faithful
and so reported.
They were sent down again, this time in their true
character as apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ, to visit and to
instruct Adam and his posterity in the telestial world. Before so
teaching the people, they cast Satan out.
The law of the gospel, as contained in the
Book of Mormon and the Bible, was then given Adam and his posterity.
You were placed under covenant to obey the law of the gospel, and
to avoid all lightmindedness, loud laughter, evil speaking of the
Lord's anointed, and taking the name of the Lord in vain.
The robe of the holy priesthood was placed upon your
left shoulder, according to the order of the Aaronic priesthood.
The second token of the Aaronic priesthood was given
you, with its name, sign, and penalty, and you were informed that
the name of this token is _________.
The robe of the holy priesthood was then changed
to the right shoulder, as was done anciently when officiating in
the ordinances of the Melchizedek priesthood. With the robe on the
right shoulder, you have authority also, if called to the bishopric,
to act in the Aaronic priesthood.
You were then introduced, with the robe of the holy
priesthood on the right shoulder, into the terrestrial kingdom.
The law of chastity was there explained to you in plainness, and
you were placed under covenant to obey this law.
The first token of the Melchizedek priesthood, or
Sign of the Nail, with its accompanying name, sign, and penalty,
was next given you. You were told that the name of the first token
of the Melchizedek priesthood is _________.
The book of Doctrine and Covenants, in connection
with the Book of Mormon and the Bible, was presented to you; and
the law of consecration, as contained in the book of Doctrine and
Covenants, was explained to you; and you received this law by covenant.
The second token of the Melchizedek priesthood, the
patriarchal grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail, or the Nail in the Sure
Place, was given you, together with its sign. The name of this token
will be given you at the veil.
This token has reference to the crucifixion of the
Savior. When he was placed upon the cross, the crucifiers drove
nails through the palms of his hands; then, fearing that the weight
of his body would cause the nails to tear through the flesh of his
hands, they drove nails through his wrists. Hence in the palm is
the Sign of the Nail, and in the wrist is the Sure Sign of the Nail,
or the Nail in the Sure Place.
You have now progressed so far in the endowment that
you are ready to receive the name of the second token of the Melchizedek
priesthood and to pass through the veil into the celestial kingdom.
The sisters in this company who are to be married
and sealed for time and eternity should be taken through the veil
by their intended husband. Others will be taken through the veil
by the regular temple workers.
Brethren and sisters, you will have received this
day the sacred ordinances of the endowment. The eternal plan of
salvation for man, as he journeys from his pre-existent state to
his future high place in the celestial kingdom, has been presented
to you. You have covenanted to obey all the laws of the gospel,
including the laws of obedience, sacrifice, chastity, and consecration,
which make possible an exaltation with the Gods; and you have received
the first and second tokens of the Aaronic priesthood and the first
and second tokens of the Melchizedek priesthood, with the names,
signs, and penalties of these tokens, except the name of the second
token of the Melchizedek priesthood, which will be given you at
the veil.
All this is done for the glory, honor, and endowment
of the children of Zion.
Brethren and sisters, strive to comprehend the glorious
things presented to you this day. No other people on earth have
ever had this privilege, except as they have received the keys of
the priesthood given in the endowment.
These are what are termed the mysteries of godliness--that
which will enable you to understand the expression of the Savior,
made just prior to his betrayal: "This is life eternal, that
they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom
thou has sent."
May God bless you all. Amen.
[initiates are presented individually at the veil.
The veil worker taps three times with the mallet.]
[initiates are presented individually at the veil.
The veil worker taps three times with the mallet.]
LORD: What is wanted?
WORKER: Adam, having been true and faithful in all things, desires
further light and knowledge by conversing with the Lord through
the veil [for and in behalf of _________, who is dead].
LORD: What is wanted?
WORKER: Adam, having been true and faithful in all things, desires
further light and knowledge by conversing with the Lord through
the veil [for and in behalf of _________, who is dead].
LORD: Present him at the veil, and his request shall be granted.
LORD: Present him at the veil, and his request shall be granted.
LORD: What is that?
INITIATE: The first token of the Aaronic priesthood.
LORD: What is that?
INITIATE: The first token of the Aaronic priesthood.
LORD: Has it a name?
LORD: Will you give it to me?
LORD: Has it a name?
LORD: Will you give it to me?
INITIATE: I will, through the veil.
[The initiate gives the token's name.]
INITIATE: I will, through the veil.
[The initiate gives the token's name.]
LORD: What is that?
INITIATE: The second token of the Aaronic priesthood.
LORD: What is that?
INITIATE: The second token of the Aaronic priesthood.
LORD: Has it a name?
LORD: Will you give it to me?
LORD: Has it a name?
LORD: Will you give it to me?
INITIATE: I will, through the veil.
[The initiate gives the token's name.]
INITIATE: I will, through the veil.
[The initiate gives the token's name.]
LORD: What is that?
INITIATE: The first token of the Melchizedek priesthood, or Sign
of the Nail.
LORD: What is that?
INITIATE: The first token of the Melchizedek priesthood, or Sign
of the Nail.
LORD: Has it a name?
LORD: Will you give it to me?
LORD: Has it a name?
LORD: Will you give it to me?
INITIATE: I will, through the veil.
[The initiate gives the token's name.]
INITIATE: I will, through the veil.
[The initiate gives the token's name.]
LORD: What is that?
INITIATE: The second token of the Melchizedek priesthood, the patriarchal
grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail.
LORD: What is that?
INITIATE: The second token of the Melchizedek priesthood, the patriarchal
grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail.
LORD: Has it a name?
LORD: Will you give it to me?
LORD: Has it a name?
LORD: Will you give it to me?
INITIATE: I cannot. I have not yet received it. For this purpose I
have come to converse with the Lord through the veil.
INITIATE: I cannot. I have not yet received it. For this purpose I
have come to converse with the Lord through the veil.
LORD: You shall receive it, upon the five points
of fellowship, through the veil.
LORD: You shall receive it through the veil.
[Still holding the patriarchal grip, the initiate and the person representing
the Lord embrace upon the five points of fellowship
through the veil. The initiate's left arm passes through the mark
of the compass, and the left arm of the person representing the
Lord passes through the mark of the square. The person representing
the Lord speaks into the initiate's ear the name of the token.]
[Still holding the patriarchal grip, the initiate and the person embrace
through the veil. The initiate's left arm passes through the mark
of the compass, and the left arm of the person representing the
Lord passes through the mark of the square. The person representing
the Lord speaks into the initiate's ear the name of the token.]
LORD: What is that?
INITIATE: The second token of the Melchizedek priesthood, the patriarchal
grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail.
LORD: What is that?
INITIATE: The second token of the Melchizedek priesthood, the patriarchal
grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail.
LORD: Has it a name?
LORD: Will you give it to me?
LORD: Has it a name?
LORD: Will you give it to me?
INITIATE: I will, upon the five points of fellowship,
through the veil.
INITIATE: I will, through the veil.
[The initiate speaks back the name of the token.]
[The initiate speaks back the name of the token.]
LORD: That is correct.
LORD: That is correct.
[The initiate returns to the part in the veil; the
worker taps three times with the mallet.]
[The initiate returns to the part in the veil; the
worker taps three times with the mallet.]
LORD: What is wanted?
WORKER: Adam, having conversed with the Lord through the veil,
desires now to enter his presence.
LORD: What is wanted?
WORKER: Adam, having conversed with the Lord through the veil,
desires now to enter his presence.
LORD: Let him enter.
[The initiate is brought through the veil into the
Celestial Room.]
LORD: Let him enter.
[The initiate is brought through the veil into the
Celestial Room.]