[This is the second entry from the "Book of Anointings,"
a record of second anointings administered in the Nauvoo Temple.]
[For readability's sake, I have reformatted the entry
into smaller paragraphs and have standardized spelling and punctuation.
An original, unedited transcript of this entry can be found in David John
Buerger's The Mysteries of Godliness, pp. 88-90.]
Sunday, January 11, 1846
31 minutes to 7 p.m.
Assembled in President Brigham Young's room, no. 1, in the attic story
of the Lord's house: President Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson
Hyde, Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, Willard Richards, John Taylor, Amasa
Lyman, Newel K. Whitney, George Miller, Edmund Ellsworth, Mary Young,
Vilate Kimball, Leonora Taylor, Elizabeth Ann Whitney, and Elizabeth Ellsworth.
Brother John Taylor started the hymn, "This Earth Was Once
a Garden Place," all being clothed in priestly garments.
President Brigham Young prayed, all having knelt around the altar.
Previous to prayer they all arose, sang a hymn, and offered up the
signs of the holy priesthood.
Then Brother Heber C. Kimball proceeded to anoint and consecrate President
Brigham Young a king and a priest unto the most high God, over the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and over the whole house of Israel:
Brother Brigham Young, I pour this holy consecrated oil upon
your head and anoint thee a king and a priest of the most high
God, over the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and
unto all Israel.
And I anoint thine head, that thy brain may be
healthy and active
and quick
to think and to understand and to direct thy whole body; |
and I anoint thine eyes, that they may see and
and that
thou mayest not be deceived in what thou beholdest,
and that
thy sight may never fail thee; |
and I anoint thine ears, that they may be quick
to hear and communicate to thine
and that
thou mayest hear the secret deliberations of thine enemies,
and thereby
thou shalt be enabled to overreach their designs; |
and I anoint thy nose, that thou mayest scent
and relish
the fragrance of the good things of the earth; |
and I anoint thy mouth, that thou mayest be enabled to speak
the great things of
 God and confound
all the wisdom of man,
and put
to nought all who shall rise up to oppose thee in all countries
 thou goest,
for thou
shalt build up the kingdom of God among many people and in
the midst
 of mighty nations.
So thy glory shall be established. And whomsoever thou shalt
bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whomsoever thou shalt
loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven; for there shall be given
unto thee crowns, and kingdoms, and dominions. And thou shalt
receive all thine heart shall desire, and thy soul shall be satisfied
with a multitude of blessings which thou shalt receive; for princes
shall bow at thy feet and deliver unto thee their treasures, and
thou shalt teach them the principles of salvation.
And I seal thee up unto eternal life, that thou shalt come forth
in the morn of the first resurrection and receive all these blessings
in their fulness, and thou shalt attain unto the eternal Godhead
and receive a fulness of joy, and glory, and power; and that thou
mayest do all things whatsoever is wisdom that thou shouldst do,
even if it be to create worlds and redeem them. So shall thy joy
be full, to the praise and glory of God. Amen.
Elder Heber C. Kimball then anointed Mary Ann Young a queen
and priestess unto her husband (Brigham Young), in the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and in the house of Israel:
Sister Mary Ann Young, I pour upon thine head this holy consecrated
oil and seal upon thee all the blessings of the everlasting priesthood
in conjunction with thine husband; and I anoint thee to be a queen
and priestess unto thine husband, over the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints.
And thou shalt be heir to all the blessings which are sealed
upon him, inasmuch as thou dost obey his counsel; and thou shalt
receive glory, honor, power, and exaltation in his exaltation.
And thou shalt be a strength in thy mind, for thou shalt have
visions and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. And the time shall
come that angels shall visit thee, and minister unto thee, and
teach thee, and in absence of thy husband shall comfort thee and
make known his situation.
Thou shalt be a wise counsellor to many of thy sex, and they
shall look unto thee for precept and for example. Thou shalt be
noted and honored for thy generosity and the freedom and good
feelings with which thou shalt relieve the wants of the distressed,
and the discretion with which thou shalt act in thy sphere in
all things.
And I seal thee up unto eternal life, that thou shalt come forth
in the morning of the first resurrection and inherit with him
all the honors, glories, and power of eternal lives, and that
thou shalt attain unto the eternal Godhead. So thy exaltation
shall be perfect and thy glory be full, in a fulness of power
and exaltation. And the glory, honor, and power shall be ascribed
unto the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
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