FIRST LECTURER: Brethren and sisters, we welcome you to the temple
and hope you will find joy in serving in the house of the Lord this
FIRST LECTURER: Brethren and sisters, we welcome you to the temple
and hope you will find joy in serving in the house of the Lord this
Those of you who are here to receive your own endowment should have
been washed, anointed, and clothed in the garment of the holy priesthood.
The ordinances of washing, anointing, and clothing in the garment
of the holy priesthood, together with the ordaining on behalf of
deceased brethren, were performed previously for
those deceased persons whom you are representing.
Those of you who are here to receive your own endowment should have
been washed, anointed, and clothed in the garment of the holy priesthood.
For those who are representing deceased persons,
the ordinances of washing, anointing, and clothing in the garment
of the holy priesthood, together with the ordaining on behalf of
deceased brethren, were performed previously.
Each of you should have received a new name in connection with this
company. If any of you have forgotten the new name or have not received
these ordinances as explained, please stand.
Each of you should have received a new name in connection with this
company. If any of you have forgotten the new name or have not received
these ordinances as explained, please stand.
Please be alert, attentive, and refrain from
whispering during the presentation of the endowment. As you
are asked to proceed to the veil, please do so in an orderly manner,
row by row, as directed. After passing through the veil into the
celestial room, and in other areas in the temple, if you need to
communicate, please whisper, thus helping us maintain the quiet
reverence that should prevail in the house of the Lord.
Please be alert, attentive, and reverent
during the presentation of the endowment. As you are asked to proceed
to the veil, please do so in an orderly manner, row by row, as directed.
After passing through the veil into the celestial room, and in other
areas in the temple, if you need to communicate, please whisper,
thus helping us maintain the quiet reverence that should prevail
in the house of the Lord.
We will now proceed with the presentation of the endowment.
We will now proceed with the presentation of the endowment.
SECOND LECTURER: Brethren, you have been washed and pronounced
clean, or that through your faithfulness you may become clean, from
the blood and sins of this generation. You have been anointed to
become hereafter kings and priests unto the most high God, to rule
and reign in the house of Israel forever.
SECOND LECTURER: Brethren, you have been washed and pronounced
clean, or that through your faithfulness you may become clean, from
the blood and sins of this generation. You have been anointed to
become hereafter kings and priests unto the most high God, to rule
and reign in the house of Israel forever.
Sisters, you have been washed and anointed to become queens and
priestesses to your husbands.
Sisters, you have been washed and anointed to become hereafter
queens and priestesses to your husbands.
Brethren and sisters, if you are true and faithful, the day will
come when you will be chosen, called up, and anointed kings and
queens, priests and priestesses, whereas you are now anointed only
to become such. The realization of these blessings depends upon
your faithfulness.
Brethren and sisters, if you are true and faithful, the day will
come when you will be chosen, called up, and anointed kings and
queens, priests and priestesses, whereas you are now anointed only
to become such. The realization of these blessings depends upon
your faithfulness.
You have had a garment placed upon you, which you were informed
represents the garment given to Adam
when he was found naked in the garden
of Eden, and which is called the garment of the holy priesthood.
This you were instructed to wear throughout your life. You were
informed that it will be a shield and a protection to you if you
are true and faithful to your covenants.
You have had a garment placed upon you, which you were informed
represents the garment given to Adam and Eve
when they were found naked in the garden
of Eden, and which is called the garment of the holy priesthood.
This you were instructed to wear throughout your life. You were
informed that it will be a shield and a protection to you inasmuch
as you do not defile it and if you are true and faithful
to your covenants.
You have had a new name given unto you, which you were told never
to divulge, nor forget. This new name is a keyword which you will
be required to give at a certain place in the temple today.
You have had a new name given unto you, which you were told never
to divulge, nor forget. This new name is a keyword which you will
be required to give at a certain place in the temple today.
The endowment is to prepare you for exaltation in the celestial
Your endowment is to receive all those ordinances in the house of
the Lord which are necessary for you, to enable you to walk back
to the presence of the Father, passing the angels who stand as sentinels,
being enabled to give them the key words, the signs, and the tokens
pertaining to the holy priesthood and gain your eternal exaltation.
If you proceed and receive your full endowment, you will be required
to take upon yourselves sacred obligations, the violation of which
will bring upon you the judgments of God, for God will not be mocked.
If any of you desire to withdraw rather than accept these obligations
of your own free will and choice, you may now make it known by raising
your hand.
If you proceed and receive your full endowment, you will be required
to take upon yourselves sacred obligations, the violation of which
will bring upon you the judgment of God; for God will not be mocked.
If any of you desire to withdraw rather than accept these obligations
of your own free will and choice, you may now make it known by raising
your hand.
Brethren and sisters, as you sit here, you will hear the voices
of three persons, who represent Elohim, Jehovah, and Michael. Elohim
will command Jehovah and Michael to go down and organize a world.
The work of the six creative periods will be represented. They will
organize man in their own likeness and image, male and female. This,
however, is simply figurative, so far as the man and the woman are
Brethren and sisters, as you sit here, you will hear the voices
of three persons, who represent Elohim, Jehovah, and Michael. Elohim
will command Jehovah and Michael to go down and organize a world.
The work of the six creative periods will be represented. They will
also organize man in their own likeness
and image, male and female.