ELOHIM: Jehovah, Michael, see--yonder is matter unorganized. Go
ye down and organize it into a world like unto the worlds that we
have heretofore formed. Call your labors the first day, and bring
me word. |
ELOHIM: Jehovah, Michael, see--yonder is matter unorganized. Go
ye down and organize it into a world like unto the other
worlds that we have heretofore formed. Call your labors the first
day, and bring me word. |
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim. Come, Michael, let us go down.
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim. Come, Michael, let us go down.
MICHAEL: We will go down, Jehovah.
JEHOVAH: Michael, see--here is matter unorganized. We will organize
it into a world like unto the worlds
that we have heretofore formed. We will call our labors the first
day, and return and report. |
MICHAEL: We will go down, Jehovah.
JEHOVAH: Michael, see--here is matter unorganized. We will organize
it into a world like unto other worlds
that we have heretofore formed. We will call our labors the first
day, and return and report. |
MICHAEL: We will return and report our labors of the first day,
MICHAEL: We will return and report our labors of the first day,
JEHOVAH: Elohim, we have been down as
thou hast commanded and have organized a world
like unto the worlds that we have heretofore formed; and we
have called our labors the first day.
JEHOVAH: Elohim, we have done as thou hast commanded and have called
our labors the first day.
ELOHIM: It is well.
ELOHIM: It is well.
ELOHIM: Jehovah, Michael, go down again. Gather the waters together
and cause the dry land to appear. The great waters call ye Seas,
and the dry land call ye Earth. Form mountains and hills, great
rivers and small streams, to beautify and give variety to the face
of the earth. When ye have done this, call
your labors the second day, and bring me word. |
ELOHIM: Jehovah, Michael, go down again. Gather the waters together
and cause the dry land to appear. The great waters call ye Seas,
and the dry land call ye Earth. Form mountains and hills, great
rivers and small streams, to beautify and give variety to the face
of the earth. Call your labors the second day, and bring me word.
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim. Come, Michael, let us go down.
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim. Come, Michael, let us go down.
MICHAEL: We will go down, Jehovah.
JEHOVAH: Michael, we will gather the waters together and cause
the dry land to appear. The great waters we will call Seas, and
the dry land we will call Earth. We will form mountains and hills,
great rivers and small streams to beautify and give variety to the
face of the earth. We will call our labors the second day, and return
and report. |
MICHAEL: We will go down, Jehovah.
JEHOVAH: Michael, we will gather the waters together and cause
the dry land to appear. The great waters we will call Seas, and
the dry land we will call Earth. We will form mountains and hills,
great rivers and small streams, to beautify and give variety to
the face of the earth. We will call our labors the second day, and
return and report. |
MICHAEL: We will return and report our labors of the second day,
MICHAEL: We will return and report our labors of the second day,
JEHOVAH: Elohim, we have been down as
thou hast commanded, and have gathered the waters
together, and have caused the dry land to appear. The great waters
we have called Seas, and the dry land we have called Earth. We have
formed mountains and hills, great rivers and small streams, to beautify
and give variety to the face of the earth; and we have called
our labors the second day.
JEHOVAH: Elohim, we have done as thou
hast commanded and have called our labors the second day.
ELOHIM: It is well.
ELOHIM: It is well.
ELOHIM: Jehovah, Michael, return again to the earth that you have
organized. Divide the light from the darkness. Call the light Day,
and the darkness Night. Cause the lights in the firmament to appear--the
greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the
night. Cause the stars also to appear and give light to the earth,
the same as with other worlds heretofore created. Call your labors
the third day, and bring me word. |
ELOHIM: Jehovah, Michael, return again to the earth that you have
organized. Divide the light from the darkness. Call the light Day,
and the darkness Night. Cause the lights in the firmament to appear--the
greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the
night. Cause the stars also to appear and give light to the earth,
the same as with other worlds heretofore created. Call your labors
the third day, and bring me word. |
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim. Come, Michael, let us return
again to the earth that we have organized.
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim. Come, Michael, let us return
again to the earth that we have organized.
MICHAEL: We will return again, Jehovah.
MICHAEL: We will return, Jehovah.
JEHOVAH: Michael, we will divide the light from the darkness, and
we will call the light Day, and the darkness
Night. We will cause the lights in the firmament to appear--the
greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the
night. We will cause the stars also to appear and give light to
the earth, the same as with worlds heretofore created. We will call
our labors the third day, and return and report.
JEHOVAH: Michael, we will divide the light from the darkness, and
call the light Day and the darkness Night. We will cause the lights
in the firmament to appear--the greater light to rule the day, and
the lesser light to rule the night. We will cause the stars also
to appear and give light to the earth, the same as with other worlds
heretofore created. We will call our labors the third day, and return
and report.
MICHAEL: We will return and report our labors of the third day,
MICHAEL: We will return and report our labors of the third day,
JEHOVAH: Elohim, we have been down as
thou hast commanded, and have divided the light
from the darkness, and have called the light Day and the darkness
Night. We have caused the lights in the firmament to appear--the
greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the
night. We have caused the stars also to appear and give light to
the earth, the same as with worlds heretofore created; and we
have called our labors the third day.
JEHOVAH: Elohim, we have done as thou
hast commanded and have called our labors the third day.
ELOHIM: It is well.
ELOHIM: It is well.
ELOHIM: Jehovah, Michael, return again.
Place seeds of all kinds in the earth that they may spring forth
as grass, flowers, shrubbery, trees, and all manner of vegetation,
each bearing seed in itself after its own kind,
as on the worlds we have heretofore created. Call your labors
the fourth day, and bring me word. |
ELOHIM: Jehovah, Michael, return and place seeds of all kinds in
the earth that they may spring forth as grass, flowers, shrubbery,
trees, and all manner of vegetation, each bearing seed in itself
after its own kind. Call your labors the fourth day, and bring me
word. |
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim. Come, Michael, let us go down.
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim. Come, Michael, let us go down.
MICHAEL: We will go down, Jehovah.
JEHOVAH: Michael, we will place seeds of all kinds in the earth
that they may spring forth as grass, flowers, shrubbery, trees,
and all manner of vegetation, each bearing seed
in itself after its own kind, as on the worlds we have heretofore
created. We will call our labors the fourth day, and return
and report. |
MICHAEL: We will go down, Jehovah.
JEHOVAH: Michael, we will place seeds of all kinds in the earth
that they may spring forth as grass, flowers, shrubbery, trees,
and all manner of vegetation. We will call our labors the fourth
day, and return and report. |
MICHAEL: We will return and report our labors of the fourth day,
MICHAEL: We will return and report our labors of the fourth day,
JEHOVAH: Elohim, we have been down as
thou hast commanded, and have placed seeds of
all kinds in the earth that they may spring forth as grass, flowers,
shrubbery, trees, and all manner of vegetation, each bearing seed
in itself, after its own kind, as on the worlds we have heretofore
created; and we have called our labors the fourth day.
JEHOVAH: Elohim, we have done as thou
hast commanded and have called our labors the fourth day.
ELOHIM: It is well.
ELOHIM: It is well.
ELOHIM: Jehovah, Michael, now that the earth is formed, divided,
and beautified, and vegetation is growing thereon, return and place
beasts upon the land: the elephant, the lion,
the tiger, the bear, the horse, and all other kinds of animals--fowls
in the air in all their varieties, fishes of all kinds in the waters,
and insects and all manner of animal
life upon the earth. |
ELOHIM: Jehovah, Michael, now that the earth is formed, divided,
and beautified, and vegetation is growing thereon, return and place
all manner of life upon the earth. |
Command the beasts, the fowls, the fishes, the insects, all creeping
things, and other forms of animal life to multiply in their respective
elements, each after its kind, and every kind of vegetation to multiply
in its sphere, that every form of life may fill the measure of its
creation and have joy therein. Call your labors the fifth day, and
bring me word.
Command the beasts, the fowls, the fishes, the insects, all creeping
things, and other forms of animal life to multiply in their respective
elements, each after its kind, and every kind of vegetation to multiply
in its sphere, that every form of life may fill the measure of its
creation and have joy therein. Call your labors the fifth day, and
bring me word.
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim. Come, Michael, let us go down.
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim. Come, Michael, let us go down.
MICHAEL: We will go down, Jehovah.
JEHOVAH: Michael, now that the earth is formed, divided, and beautified,
and vegetation is growing thereon, we will place beasts upon the
land: the elephant, the lion, the tiger, the bear, the horse, and
all other kinds of animals--fowls in the air in all their varieties,
fishes of all kinds in the waters, and insects and all manner of
animal life upon the earth. |
MICHAEL: We will go down, Jehovah.
JEHOVAH: Michael, now that the earth is formed, divided and beautified,
and vegetation is growing thereon, we will place beasts upon the
land: the elephant, the lion, the tiger, the bear, the horse, and
all other kinds of animals--fowls in the air in all their varieties,
fishes of all kinds in the waters, and insects and all manner of
animal life upon the earth. |
We will command the beasts, the fowls, the fishes, the insects,
all creeping things, and other forms of animal life to multiply
in their respective elements, each after its kind, and every kind
of vegetation to multiply in its sphere, that every form of life
may fill the measure of its creation and have joy therein. We will
call our labors the fifth day, and return and report.
We will command the beasts, the fowls, the fishes, the insects,
all creeping things, and other forms of animal life to multiply
in their respective elements, each after its kind, and every kind
of vegetation to multiply in its sphere, that every form of life
may fill the measure of its creation and have joy therein. We will
call our labors the fifth day, and return and report.
MICHAEL: It is well, Jehovah. Now that the earth is formed, divided,
and beautified, with vegetation growing thereon, and provided
with animal life, it is glorious and
MICHAEL: It is well, Jehovah. Now that the earth is formed, with
vegetation growing thereon, and provided with all
manner of life, it is glorious and beautiful.
JEHOVAH: It is, Michael.
MICHAEL: Let us return and report our labors of the fifth day,
Jehovah. |
JEHOVAH: It is, Michael.
MICHAEL: Let us return and report our labors of the fifth day,
Jehovah. |
JEHOVAH: Elohim, we have been down as
thou hast commanded. We have placed beasts upon
the land: the elephant, the lion, the tiger, the bear, the horse,
and all other kinds of animals--fowls in the air in all their varieties,
fishes of all kinds in the waters, and insects and all manner of
animal life upon the earth.
We have commanded the beasts, the fowls, the
fishes, the insects, all creeping things, and other forms of animal
life to multiply in their respective elements, each after its kind,
and every kind of vegetation to multiply in its sphere, that every
form of life may fill the measure of its creation and have joy therein.
We have called our labors the fifth day. |
JEHOVAH: Elohim, we have done as thou
hast commanded and have called our labors
the fifth day.
ELOHIM: It is well.
ELOHIM: It is well.
ELOHIM: Jehovah, Michael, is man found upon the earth? |
ELOHIM: Jehovah, Michael, is man found upon the earth? |
JEHOVAH: Man is not found on the earth, Elohim.
JEHOVAH: Man is not found on the earth, Elohim.
ELOHIM: Jehovah, Michael, then let us go down and form man in our
own likeness and in our own image, male and female, and put into
him his spirit, and let us give him
dominion over the beasts, the fishes, and the
birds, and make him lord over the earth, and over all things
on the face of the earth.
ELOHIM: Jehovah, Michael, then let us go down and form man in our
own likeness and in our own image, male and female, and put into
them their spirits, and let us give them
dominion over all things on the face of the earth.
We will plant for him a garden, eastward
in Eden, and place him in it to tend
and cultivate it, that he may be happy
and have joy therein. We will command him
to multiply and replenish the earth, that he
may have joy and rejoicing in his
We will plant for them a garden, eastward
in Eden, and place them in it to tend
and cultivate it, that they may be happy
and have joy therein. We will command them
to multiply and replenish the earth, that they
may have joy in their prosperity.
We will place before him the tree of
knowledge of good and evil, and we will allow Lucifer, our common
enemy, whom we have thrust out, to tempt him
and to try him, that he
may know by his own experience the good
from the evil.
We will place before them the tree of
knowledge of good and evil, and we will allow Lucifer, our common
enemy, whom we have thrust out, to tempt them
and to try them, that they
may know by their own experience the
good from the evil.
If he yields to temptation, we will give
unto him the law of sacrifice, and we
will provide a Savior for him, as we
counseled in the beginning, that man
may be brought forth by the power of the redemption and the resurrection,
and come again into our presence, and with us partake of eternal
life and exaltation.
If they yield to temptation, we will
give unto them the law of sacrifice,
and we will provide a Savior for them,
as we counseled in the beginning, that they
may be brought forth by the power of the redemption and the resurrection,
and come again into our presence, and with us partake of eternal
life and exultation.
We will call this the sixth day, and we will rest from our labors
for a season. Come, let us go down.
We will call this the sixth day, and we will rest from our labors
for a season. Come, let us go down.
JEHOVAH: We will go down, Elohim.
JEHOVAH: We will go down, Elohim.
ELOHIM: Jehovah, see the earth that we have formed. There is no
man to till and take care of it. We are here to form man in our
own likeness and in our own image. |
ELOHIM: Jehovah, see the earth that we have formed. There is no
man to till and take care of it. We are here to form man in our
own likeness and in our own image. |
JEHOVAH: We will do so, Elohim.
ELOHIM: Jehovah, man is now organized, and we will put into him
his spirit, the breath of life, that he may become a living soul.
JEHOVAH: We will do so, Elohim.
ELOHIM: Jehovah, man is now organized, and we will put into him
his spirit, the breath of life, that he may become a living soul.
ELOHIM: Jehovah, is it good for man to be alone? |
ELOHIM: Jehovah, is it good for man to be alone? |
JEHOVAH: It is not good for man to be alone, Elohim.
JEHOVAH: It is not good for man to be alone, Elohim.
ELOHIM: We will cause a deep sleep to come upon this man whom we
have formed, and we will take from his side a rib, from which we
will form a woman to be a companion and helpmeet for him.
ELOHIM: We will cause a deep sleep to come upon this man whom we
have formed, and we will take from his side a rib, from which we
will form a woman to be a companion and helpmeet for him.
JEHOVAH: Brethren and sisters, this is Michael, who helped form
the earth. When he awakens from the sleep which we have caused to
come upon him, he will be known as Adam and, having forgotten all,
will have become as a little child. Brethren, close your eyes as
if you were asleep.
JEHOVAH: Brethren and sisters, this is Michael, who helped form
the earth. When he awakens from the sleep which we have caused to
come upon him, he will be known as Adam and, having forgotten all,
will have become as a little child. Brethren, close your eyes as
if you were asleep.
ELOHIM: Adam, awake and arise.
JEHOVAH: All the brethren will please arise. |
ELOHIM: Adam, awake and arise.
JEHOVAH: All the brethren will please arise. |
ELOHIM: Adam, here is a woman whom we have formed and whom we give
unto you to be a companion and helpmeet for you. What will you call
ELOHIM: Adam, here is a woman whom we have formed and whom we give
unto you to be a companion and helpmeet for you. What will you call
ADAM: Eve.
ELOHIM: Why will you call her Eve? |
ADAM: Eve.
ELOHIM: Why will you call her Eve? |
ADAM: Because she is the mother of all living.
ADAM: Because she is the mother of all living.
ELOHIM: That is right, Adam; because she is the mother of all living.
ELOHIM: That is right, Adam; because she is the mother of all living.
ELOHIM: Adam, we have organized for
you this earth and have planted a garden, eastward in Eden. We will
place you in the garden and will there command you and
Eve to multiply and replenish the earth, that you may have
joy and rejoicing in your posterity. |
ELOHIM: We have organized for you this earth and have planted a
garden, eastward in Eden. We will place you in the garden and will
there command you to multiply and replenish the earth, that you
may have joy and rejoicing in your posterity. |
Jehovah, introduce Adam into the garden
which we have prepared for him.
Jehovah, introduce Adam and Eve into
the garden which we have prepared for them.
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim.
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim.
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