ELOHIM: Adam, we have created for
you this earth, and have placed upon it all kinds of vegetation
and animal life. We have commanded all these to multiply in their
own sphere and element. We give you dominion over all these things
and make you, Adam, lord over the whole earth and all things on
the face thereof. We now command you to multiply and replenish the
earth, that you may have joy and rejoicing in your posterity.
ELOHIM: Adam, Eve, we have created this
earth, and have placed upon it all kinds of vegetation and animal
life. We have commanded all these to multiply in their own sphere
and element. We give you dominion over all these things and make
you, Adam, lord over the whole earth and all things on the face
thereof. We now command you to multiply and replenish the earth,
that you may have joy and rejoicing in your posterity.
We have also planted for you this garden, wherein we have placed
all manner of fruits, flowers, and vegetation. Of every tree of
the garden thou mayest freely eat, but of the tree of knowledge
of good and evil thou shalt not eat; nevertheless, thou mayest choose
for thyself, for it is given unto thee. But remember that I forbid
it, for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
We have also planted for you this garden, wherein we have placed
all manner of fruits, flowers, and vegetation. Of every tree of
the garden thou mayest freely eat, but of the tree of knowledge
of good and evil thou shalt not eat; nevertheless, thou mayest choose
for thyself, for it is given unto thee. But remember that I forbid
it, for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Adam, remember this
commandment which we have given unto you. Now go to--dress
this garden, take good care of it, be happy and have joy therein.
Remember these commandments which we
have given unto you. Now go to--dress this garden, take good care
of it, be happy and have joy therein.
We shall go away, but we shall visit you again and give you further
We shall go away, but we shall visit you again and give you further
LUCIFER: Well, Adam, you have a new world here.
LUCIFER: Well, Adam, you have a new world here.
ADAM: A new world?
LUCIFER: Yes, a new world, patterned after the old one where we
used to live.
ADAM: A new world?
LUCIFER: Yes, a new world, patterned after the old one where you
used to live.
ADAM: I know nothing about any other world.
ADAM: I know nothing about any other world.
LUCIFER: Oh, I see--your eyes are not yet opened. You have forgotten
everything. You must eat some of the fruit of this
LUCIFER: Oh, I see--your eyes are not yet opened. You have forgotten
everything. You must eat some of the fruit of that
Adam, here is some of the fruit of that
tree. It will make you wise.
Adam, here is some of the fruit of this
tree. It will make you wise.
ADAM: I will not partake of that fruit. Father told me that in the
day I should partake of it, I should surely die.
ADAM: I will not partake of that fruit. Father told me that in the
day I should partake of it, I should surely die.
LUCIFER: You shall not surely die, but shall be as the Gods, knowing
good and evil.
LUCIFER: You shall not surely die, but shall be as the Gods, knowing
good and evil.
ADAM: I will not partake of it.
LUCIFER: Oh, you will not? Well, we shall see.
ADAM: I will not partake of it.
LUCIFER: Oh you will not? Well, we shall see.
LUCIFER: Eve, here is some of the fruit of that tree. It will
make you wise. It is delicious to the taste and very desirable.
LUCIFER: Eve, here is some of the fruit of that tree. It will make
you wise. It is delicious to the taste and very desirable.
EVE: Who are you?
LUCIFER: I am your brother.
EVE: You, my brother, and come here to persuade me to disobey Father?
EVE: Who are you?
LUCIFER: I am your brother.
EVE: You, my brother, and come here to persuade me to disobey Father?
LUCIFER: I have said nothing about Father. I want you to eat of
the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that your eyes
may be opened, for that is the way Father gained his knowledge.
You must eat of this fruit so as to comprehend that everything has
its opposite: good and evil, virtue and vice, light and darkness,
health and sickness, pleasure and pain. Thus your eyes will be opened,
and you will have knowledge.
LUCIFER: I have said nothing about Father. I want you to eat of
the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that your eyes
may be opened, for that is the way Father gained his knowledge.
You must eat of this fruit so as to comprehend that everything has
its opposite: good and evil, virtue and vice, light and darkness,
health and sickness, pleasure and pain. Thus your eyes will be opened,
and you will have knowledge.
EVE: Is there no other way?
LUCIFER: There is no other way.
EVE: Then I will partake.
LUCIFER: There. Now go and get Adam to partake.
EVE: Is there no other way?
LUCIFER: There is no other way.
EVE: Then I will partake.
LUCIFER: There. Now go and get Adam to partake.
EVE: Adam, here is some of the fruit of that tree. It is delicious
to the taste and very desirable.
EVE: Adam, here is some of the fruit of that tree. It is delicious
to the taste and very desirable.
ADAM: Eve, do you know what fruit that is?
ADAM: Eve, do you know what fruit that is?
EVE: Yes. It is the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
EVE: Yes, it is the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
ADAM: I cannot partake of it. Do you not know that Father commanded
us not to partake of the fruit of that tree?
ADAM: I cannot partake of it. Do you not know that Father commanded
us not to partake of the fruit of that tree?
EVE: Do you intend to obey all of Father's commandments?
EVE: Do you intend to obey all of Father's commandments?
ADAM: Yes, all of them.
EVE: Do you not recollect that Father
commanded us to multiply and replenish the earth? I have partaken
of this fruit and by so doing shall be cast out, and you will be
left a lone man in the garden of Eden.
ADAM: Yes, all of them.
EVE: Do you not remember that Father
commanded us to multiply and replenish the earth? I have partaken
of this fruit and by so doing shall be cast out, and you will be
left a lone man in the garden of Eden.
ADAM: Eve, I see that this must be so.
I will partake that man may be.
ADAM: Eve, I see that this must be. I will partake that man may
LUCIFER: That is right.
EVE: [To Adam.] It is better for us
to pass through sorrow that we may know the good from the evil.
LUCIFER: That is right.
EVE: [To Adam.] It is better for us
to pass through sorrow that we may know the good from the evil.
[To Lucifer.] I know thee now. Thou
art Lucifer, he who was cast out of Father's presence for rebellion.
[To Lucifer.] I know thee now. Thou
art Lucifer, he who was cast out of Father's presence for rebellion.
LUCIFER: Yes. You are beginning to see already.
LUCIFER: Yes, you are beginning to see already.
ADAM: What is that apron you have on?
LUCIFER: It is an emblem of my power and priesthoods.
ADAM: What is that apron you have on?
LUCIFER: It is an emblem of my power and priesthoods.
ADAM: Priesthoods?
LUCIFER: Yes, priesthoods.
ADAM: I am looking for Father to come down to give us further instructions.
ADAM: I am looking for Father to come down to give us further instructions.
LUCIFER: Oh, you are looking for Father to come down, are you?
LUCIFER: Oh, you are looking for Father to come down, are you?
ELOHIM: Jehovah, we promised Adam that
we would visit him and give him
further instructions. Come, let us go down.
ELOHIM: Jehovah, we promised Adam and Eve
that we would visit them and give them
further instructions. Come, let us go down.
JEHOVAH: We will go down, Elohim.
ADAM: I hear their voices; they are coming.
JEHOVAH: We will go down, Elohim.
ADAM: I hear their voices; they are coming.
LUCIFER: See--you are naked. Take some fig leaves and make you aprons.
Father will see your nakedness. Quick! Hide!
LUCIFER: See--you are naked. Take some fig leaves and make you aprons.
Father will see your nakedness. Quick! Hide!
ADAM: Brethren and sisters, put on your aprons.
ADAM: Brethren and sisters, put on your aprons.
[To Eve.] Come, let us hide.
[To Eve.] Come, let us hide.
ELOHIM: Adam! Adam! Adam, where art thou?
ELOHIM: Adam! Adam! Adam, where art thou?
ADAM: I heard thy voice and hid myself, because I was naked.
ADAM: I heard thy voice and hid myself, because I was naked.
ELOHIM: Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou partaken of
the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, of which we
commanded thee not to partake?
ELOHIM: Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou partaken of
the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, of which we
commanded thee not to partake?
ADAM: The woman thou gavest me and commanded that she should remain
with me--she gave me of the fruit of the tree, and I did eat.
ADAM: The woman thou gavest me and commanded that she should remain
with me--she gave me of the fruit of the tree, and I did eat.
ELOHIM: Eve! What is this that thou hast done?
ELOHIM: Eve! What is this that thou hast done?
EVE: The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
EVE: The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
ELOHIM: Lucifer! What hast thou been doing here?
ELOHIM: Lucifer! What hast thou been doing here?
LUCIFER: I have been doing that which has been done on other worlds.
LUCIFER: I have been doing that which has been done on other worlds.
ELOHIM: What is that?
LUCIFER: I have been giving some of the fruit of the tree of knowledge
of good and evil to them.
ELOHIM: What is that?
LUCIFER: I have been giving some of the fruit of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil to them.
ELOHIM: Lucifer, because thou hast done this, thou shalt be cursed
above all the beasts of the field. Upon thy belly thou shalt go,
and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.
ELOHIM: Lucifer, because thou hast done this, thou shalt be cursed
above all the beasts of the field. Upon thy belly shalt thou go,
and dust thou shalt eat all the days of thy life.
LUCIFER: If thou cursest me for doing the same thing which has been
done on other worlds, I will take the spirits that follow me, and
they shall possess the bodies thou createst for Adam and Eve!
LUCIFER: If thou cursest me for doing the same thing which has been
done on other worlds, I will take the spirits that follow me, and
they shall possess the bodies thou createst for Adam and Eve!
ELOHIM: I will place enmity between thee and the seed of the woman.
Thou mayest have power to bruise his heal, but he shall have power
to crush thy head.
ELOHIM: I will place enmity between thee and the seed of the woman.
Thou mayest have power to bruise his heal, but he shall have power
to crush thy head.
LUCIFER: Then with that enmity I will take the treasures of the
earth, and with gold and silver I will buy up armies and navies,
popes and priests, and reign with blood
and horror on the earth!
LUCIFER: Then with that enmity I will take the treasures of the
earth, and with gold and silver I will buy up armies and navies,
false priests who oppress and tyrants who destroy,
and reign with blood and horror on the earth!
ELOHIM: Depart!
ELOHIM: Depart!
ELOHIM: Jehovah, let cherubim and a flaming sword be placed to
guard the way of the tree of life, lest Adam
put forth his hand,
and partake of the fruit thereof, and live forever in his
ELOHIM: Jehovah, let cherubim and a flaming sword be placed to
guard the way of the tree of life, lest Adam
and Eve put forth their hands,
and partake of the fruit thereof, and live forever in their
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim.
Let cherubim and a flaming sword be placed to guard the way of
the tree of life, lest Adam put forth
his hand, and partake of the fruit thereof,
and live forever in his sins.
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim.
Let cherubim and a flaming sword be placed to guard the way of
the tree of life, lest Adam and Eve put
forth their hands,
and partake of the fruit thereof, and live forever in their
It is done, Elohim.
ELOHIM: Eve, because thou hast hearkened to
the voice of Satan, and hast partaken of the forbidden fruit, and
given unto Adam, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception.
In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children; nevertheless, thou mayest
be preserved in childbearing. Thy desire shall be to thy husband,
and he shall rule over thee in righteousness.
It is done, Elohim.
Adam, because thou hast hearkened unto the voice
of thy wife and hast partaken of the forbidden fruit, the
earth shall be cursed for thy sake. Instead of producing fruits
and flowers spontaneously, it shall bring forth thorns, thistles,
briars, and noxious weeds to afflict and torment man; and by the
sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread all the days of thy life,
for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
ELOHIM: Adam, because thou hast partaken of the forbidden fruit,
the earth shall be cursed for thy sake. Instead of producing fruits
and flowers spontaneously, it shall bring forth thorns, thistles,
briars, and noxious weeds to afflict and torment man; and by the
sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread all the days of thy life,
for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Inasmuch as Eve was the first to eat of the forbidden fruit, if
she will covenant that from this time forth she will obey your
law in the Lord and will hearken unto your counsel as you
hearken unto mine, and if you will covenant that from this time
forth you will obey the law of Elohim, we will give unto you the
law of obedience and sacrifice, and we will provide a Savior for
you, whereby you may come back into our presence and with us partake
of eternal life and exaltation.
Inasmuch as Eve was the first to eat of the forbidden fruit, if
she will covenant that from this time forth she will obey the
law of the Lord and will hearken unto your counsel as you
hearken unto mine, and if you will covenant that from this time
forth you will obey the law of Elohim, we will give unto you the
law of obedience and sacrifice, and we will provide a Savior for
you, whereby you may come back into our presence and with us partake
of eternal life and exaltation.
EVE: Adam, I now covenant to obey your law as
you obey our Father.
EVE: Adam, I now covenant to obey the law of
the Lord, and to hearken to your counsel as you hearken unto Father.
ADAM: Elohim, I now covenant with thee that from this time forth
I will obey thy law and keep thy commandments.
ADAM: Elohim, I now covenant with thee that from this time forth
I will obey thy law and keep thy commandments.
ELOHIM: It is well, Adam.
ELOHIM: It is well.
ELOHIM: Jehovah, inasmuch as Adam and Eve have discovered their
nakedness, make coats of skins as a covering for them.
ELOHIM: Jehovah, inasmuch as Adam and Eve have discovered their
nakedness, make coats of skins as a covering for them.
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim.
Brethren and sisters, the garment which
was placed upon you in the washing room is to cover your nakedness
and represents the coat of skins spoken of. Anciently,
it was made of skins. You have received the garment; also, your
new name.
JEHOVAH: It shall be done, Elohim.
Brethren and sisters, the garment that
was placed upon you in the washing room is to cover your nakedness
and represents the coat of skins spoken of.
ELOHIM: A couple will now come to the altar.
ELOHIM: A couple will now come to the altar.
Brethren and sisters, this couple at the altar
represents all of you as if at the altar. You must consider yourselves
as if you were, respectively, Adam and Eve.
Brethren and sisters, this couple represents all of you as if at
the altar. You must consider yourselves as if you were, respectively,
Adam and Eve.
We will put the sisters under covenant to obey the
law of their husbands.
We will put each sister under covenant to obey the
law of the Lord, and to hearken to the
counsel of her husband, as her husband hearkens unto the counsel
of the Father.
Sisters, arise.
Each of you bring your right arm to the square.
Sisters, arise.
Each of you bring your right arm to the square.
You and each of you solemnly covenant and promise before God, angels,
and these witnesses at this altar that you will each observe and
keep the law of your husband and abide by his
counsel in righteousness.
You and each of you solemnly covenant and promise before God, angels,
and these witnesses at this altar that you will each observe and
keep the law of the Lord, and hearken to the
counsel of your husband as he hearkens to the counsel of the Father.
Each of you bow your head and say, "Yes."
Each of you bow your head and say, "Yes."
That will do.
Brethren, arise.
Each of you bring your right arm to the square.
That will do.
Brethren, arise.
Each of you bring your right arm to the square.
You and each of you solemnly covenant and promise before God, angels,
and these witnesses at this altar that you will obey the law of
God and keep his commandments.
You and each of you solemnly covenant and promise before God, angels,
and these witnesses at this altar that you will obey the law of
God and keep his commandants.
Each of you bow your head and say, "Yes."
Each of you bow your head and say, "Yes."
That will do.
That will do.
ELOHIM: Brethren and sisters, you are about
to be put under covenant to obey and keep the law of sacrifice,
as contained in the Old and New Testaments.
This law of sacrifice was given to Adam in the garden of Eden, who,
when he was driven out of the garden, built an altar on which he
offered sacrifices.
ELOHIM: Brethren and sisters, we will now put
you under covenant to obey and keep the law of sacrifice,
as contained in the holy scriptures.
This law of sacrifice was given to Adam in the garden of Eden, who,
when he was driven out of the garden, built an altar on which he
offered sacrifices.
And after many days, an angel of the Lord appeared unto Adam, saying,
"Why dost thou offer sacrifices unto the Lord?" And
Adam said unto him, "I know not,
save the Lord commanded me." And then the angel spake saying,
"This thing is a similitude of the
sacrifice of the Only Begotten of the Father, which is full of grace
and truth. Wherefore, thou shalt do all that thou doest in the name
of the Son, and thou shalt repent and call upon God in the name
of the Son forevermore."
And after many days, an angel of the Lord appeared unto Adam, saying,
"Why dost thou offer sacrifices unto the Lord?" Adam said,
"I know not, save the Lord commanded me." And then the
angel spake saying, "This is a similitude of the sacrifice
of the Only Begotten of the Father, which is full of grace and truth.
Wherefore, thou shalt do all that thou doest in the name of the
Son, and thou shalt repent and call upon God in the name of the
Son forevermore."
The posterity of Adam down to Moses, and from Moses to Jesus Christ,
offered up the firstfruits of the field and the firstlings of the
flock, which continued until the death of Jesus Christ, which ended
sacrifice by the shedding of blood.
The posterity of Adam down to Moses, and from Moses to Jesus Christ,
offered up the firstfruits of the field and the firstlings of the
flock, which continued until the death of Jesus Christ, which ended
sacrifice by the shedding of blood.
And as Jesus Christ has laid down his life for the redemption of
mankind, so we should covenant to sacrifice all that we possess,
even our own lives if necessary, in sustaining and defending the
kingdom of God.
And as Jesus Christ has laid down his life for the redemption of
mankind, so we should covenant to sacrifice all that we possess,
even our own lives if necessary, in sustaining and defending the
kingdom of God.
All arise.
Each of you bring your right arm to the square.
All arise.
Each of you bring your right arm to the square.
You and each of you solemnly covenant and promise before God, angels,
and these witnesses at this altar that you will observe and keep
the law of sacrifice, as contained in the Old
and New Testaments, as it has been explained to you.
You and each of you solemnly covenant and promise before God, angels,
and these witnesses at this altar that you will observe and keep
the law of sacrifice, as contained in the holy
scriptures, as it has been explained to you.
Each of you bow your head and say, "Yes."
Each of you bow your head and say, "Yes."
That will do.
That will do.
ELOHIM: We will now give unto you the first token of the Aaronic
priesthood with its accompanying name, sign,
and penalty.
ELOHIM: We will now give unto you the first token of the Aaronic
priesthood with its accompanying name and sign.
Before doing this, however, we desire
to impress upon your minds the sacred character of the first token
of the Aaronic priesthood, with its accompanying
name, sign, and penalty, as well as that of all the other
tokens of the holy priesthood, with their names,
signs, and penalties, which you will receive in the temple
this day. They are most sacred and are guarded by solemn covenants
and obligations of secrecy to the effect that
under no condition, even at the peril
of your life, will you ever divulge them, except at a certain
place that will be shown you hereafter.
Before doing this, we desire to impress upon your minds the sacred
character of the first token of the Aaronic priesthood, with its
name and sign, as well as that of all
the other tokens of the holy priesthood, with their names
and signs, which you will receive in the temple this day.
They are most sacred and are guarded by solemn covenants and obligations,
made in the presence of God, angels, and these witnesses, to hold
them sacred; and under no condition will you ever divulge
them, except at a certain place in the temple
that will be shown you.
The representation of the execution of the penalties
indicates different ways in which life may be taken.
[Elohim demonstrates the first token of the Aaronic priesthood.]
[Elohim demonstrates the first token of the Aaronic priesthood.]
We give unto you the first token of the Aaronic priesthood. We
desire all to receive it. All arise.
Adam, we give unto you the first token
of the Aaronic priesthood. We desire all to receive it.
All arise.
[All initiates receive the token.]
The name of this token is the new name that you received in the
temple today.
[All initiates receive the token.]
The name of this token is the new name that you received in the
temple today.
[Elohim demonstrates the sign and penalty
for this token.]
[Elohim demonstrates the sign for this token.]
I will now explain the covenant and obligation of
secrecy which are associated with this token, its name,
sign, and penalty, which you will be required to take upon
I will now explain the covenant and obligation which are associated
with this token, its name, and sign,
which you will be required to take upon yourselves.
If I were receiving my own endowment today and had been given the
name of _________ as my new name, I would repeat in my mind these
words after making the sign, at the same time
representing the execution of the penalty:
If I were receiving my own endowment today and had been given the
name of _________ as my new name, I would repeat in my mind these
words after making the sign:
I, _________, covenant that I will never reveal the first token
of the Aaronic priesthood, with its accompanying name,
sign, and penalty. Rather than do so, I would suffer my life to
be taken.
I, _________, covenant before God, angels, and
these witnesses, that I will never reveal the first token
of the Aaronic priesthood, with its accompanying name
and sign.
[Elohim leads the initiates in repeating this oath.]
[Elohim leads the initiates in repeating this oath.]
That will do.
That will do.
ELOHIM: Jehovah, see that Adam is driven
out of this beautiful garden into the lone and dreary world, where
he may learn from his
own experience to distinguish good from evil.
ELOHIM: Jehovah, see that Adam and Eve are
driven out of this beautiful garden into the lone and dreary world,
where they may learn from their
own experience to distinguish good from evil.